There are two things I like to do, go to the gym and listen to my friends’ opinions. Naturally when my friends give opinions about their experiences at the gym, my ears perk up. In this Essential we’ll cover three things that people have talked to me about when they grimace and discuss “that guy” at the gym.

You’re not alone. It’s easy to ‘be in the zone’ when you’re working out. The weights are on, your pushing your limits, and you let out a growl like you’re morphing into a werewolf. Not exactly okay. While studies show that yelling does help push you harder, try to keep it under a reasonable decibel level. Remember to use your inside voices! Violators of the grunting and yelling, is guy who is constantly checking himself out in the mirror. The human body is pretty cool, but staring at your arm as you do curls isn’t going to “will” it into getting bigger.

The gym’s a great place. It feels good to workout and get fit. Do what you can to make a good impression on others and be “that guy” that people say with a smile.
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